New poem - Vira in Wormwood

I love the thought that even in the worst of circumstances, nature both wild and human, will find a way to survive.

Vira in Wormwood*
Beyond the reach of those she loved,
instead of the adventure she hoped
would keep her entertained
growing sunflowers and pumpkins
in poisoned plots or fishing in running pools,
one summer long,
Vira began to worry about the swallows
nesting in crevices in the reactor’s tomb;
flowers and berries forcing themselves
through abandoned parking lots;
wild horses chased by poachers;
wolves roaming the untamed woods,
even lizards scurrying from her feet.
Charmed by Chernobyl, she stayed,
had few visitors, never went home.

*Some translate the Russian word Chernobyl
to Wormwood which is mentioned in Revelation 8,
leading to the belief that the Chernobyl disaster

fulfilled the sounding of the third trumpet in Revelations.


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