Objects of desire.

In the 1970s I drove from Essex to Birmingham and back in an old Austin with a broken clutch which is what lots of people did back then. I think we put up with things breaking down more often and were less frantic about having to have shiny new objects.
This is a preamble to mentioning that for months now I've had a problem getting 'wireless' on my smartphone despite having broadband at home and being surrounded by wireless hotspots. I've been able to get 3G but that's not sufficient to do internet browsing.
None of my techie friends or family were able to understand what the problem was. Then yesterday I was in Carphone Warehouse on Princes Street when I noticed that they had a Geek Helpdesk. The young techie took one look at my phone and mentioned that the reason for my non-connection to wireless might be that I'd incorrectly inputted a password on my home broadband. So he 'unremembered' my password and subsequently I've been connected to the world again!
So putting up with 3G hasn't been the end of the world and not as bad as driving hundreds of miles with a dodgy clutch but how good it feels when an object of desire is in full working order once more.


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