
Showing posts from March, 2016

Happy World Poetry Day

The medium is the message – the power of public poetry

New poem - Taken

This poem was written in response to a recent item on the BBC news website which described the death of a young dolphin in the USA as people flocked to take selfies with the poor creature... Taken It began as a dare, a stunt, a young dolphin trapped in a cowboy's net, its slipperiness handed round a harbour-side throng, its face pressed into theirs, to cries of go on, take one, but no-one in the instagram crowd noticed those dead prisoner's eyes or thought this is wrong and as its fight for life grew less and less each click a frame of death by the time the last person was offered a lifeless form they wondered what had happened and what they'd lost. Jane Aldous 2016

Jackie Kay is the new Scots Makar

Jackie Kay announced as new Scots Makar -

Snowdrop stories

Pretty, yet poisonous, favourite of poets